Cambodia has more Lexus SUV's than Marin and Orange Counties combined (can you say corruption?). Everyone who has a Lexus, has the word "Lexus" and the "L" logo painted on the side of their vehicle. Same thing goes for Toyota Land Cruisers. People with Toyota Camry's do not write "Camry" on the side of their cars. These 3 models make up 95% of the cars in Cambodia, so no comment need be made about other cars.
A cool day in Cambodia is 32C (90F), I commented on such a cool day just a few days ago. A typical day is 37C (100F), with fairly high humitity. A hot day is 42C (110F) even the local complain!
Cambodians drink their beer in glasses filled with huge ice cubes. The ice melts really fast.
It is not odd to see 4 Cambodians on one motorcycle. Equally normal is 5, if three are small children clinging onto their parents. Add a household appliance or furniture to the mix, and it is an odd site.
I don't give a second look anymore to a motorcycle with one, or even two, pigs on the back.
My favourite breakfast no longer has eggs. I love a big bowl of beef noodle soup, heavily laced with pepper and chili sauce.
Cambodian BBQ looks like a big broad bundt pan heated by charcoal or gas. A big blob of fat is put on the top, and beef, chicken and pork are cooked in small pieces around it. Little bits of butter are added to give more flavour, and so the lean meat does not stick. All the juiced flow down into a circular pan of broth, where you cook fresh veggies. After it is all done, the broth with all the juices is spiced up, and eaten as soup...... heaven!
Tuk-tuks in Cambodia are not little vehicles, but cute little trailers pulled by mototcycles. They are everywhere, and a great way to get around. People customize them, some are quite gaudy, yet others are really nice.
Little child beggers around the tourists sites have memorized facts to try to "prove" to tourists they go to school. They ask you what country you are from, then launch into a preprepared monolougue.... the capital is Ottawa.... the population is 32 million.... the Prime Minister is Stephen Harper... etc, etc, etc. Same thing for Canberra, London, Wellington, Berlin etc. It sounds really fake, and quickly becomes annoying.
Finally, a little odd experience from the other night. We were out a Pyramid, a huge "straight" disco complex the other night. As I had had a few beers, nature called. I walked into the huge spacious bathroom, complete with the obligatory guys turning on the taps, handing you a towel that you get in fancy establishments. I walked up to the clean, well spaced, divided urinals, and paused, waiting for that lovely relaxing feeling... you know. Just as things started to flow, a strong pair of brown hands firmly gripped my shoulders and a deep voice asked "massage, sir?". Yes the flow instantly stopped, and I just said in a nonchallant voice, "no thanks, I'll just pee now". Seems they have rooms upstairs where staff can take you for a massage. They seem to ask everyone in the same manner as I was asked, and I have no idea if it is a regular or happy ending massage.
You just gotta love this country...
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