Monday, October 31, 2011

When in Rome.... err, umm... I mean Quito

Those of you who know me well know that one of the things I truly believe about travel is that the local food tastes the best where it comes from, and is best enjoyed in local surroundings. The ingredients are fresh, and the locals really know how to cook the food properly.

I have eaten food abroad that I would never eat at home... e.i. the herring sandwich with pickles and onions, with a side of marajuana in Amsterdam.

With that in mind, I went out to a local restaurant specializing in cuisine of the Ecuadorian High Sierra, and it was just around the corner.

It must be all my travels, plus years of watching Anthony Bourdain on television, but on my very first night I ordered a local dish of tripe stew with potatoes and peanuts, served with rice, avocados, tomatoes and onions. I started with a cheese empanada with hot sauce, all washed down with sparkling water. Yummy and filing.

All this for only $12, including tax and tip!

It is now the next day, and as with my Around the World trip, no stomach problems at all! More from Quito and surrounding area soon!

1 comment:

catmom said...

Great stories already ... and you just got there. Also LOVED the pictures - absolutely beautiful architecture. I concur with your rants about the lack of preservation in Vancouver. You really notice it when you go elsewhere - such a shame. Re the food ... I don't even want to think where tripe comes from - ieeuuuuuuwwww! Why don't you try some Quinoa ... I believe it is indigenous to the area ... much better for you too.

Have fun - stay safe.
