We did another long overnight bus trip to get to the backpackers haven of Olympos, Turkey. It is located in a spectacular steep, narrow valley, where you must walk through 2000 year old ruins to get to a very nice beach.
Because it is located in a National Park, development is very limited in Olympos. Thus, everywhere there are treehouse accomodations, where you can stay in a very primative treehouse, share bathrooms, with breakfast and dinner included for only 20 YTL (CDN $18) per person. The other option is a pretty primative bungalow with private bath, also breakfast and dinner included for only 30 YTL ($27) per person. We took the latter.
Our hostel is located in an orange grove. You have to duck under the orange trees to get back to the bungalows. The bungalows themselves are quite comfortable, with nice beds, and A/C and heat, which we turn on at dawn (heat that is).
There is a long pebble beach just past the ruins, and the water is still warm enough for swimming in mid October. It is generally sunny and about 24 everyday.
In the late afternoon/evening we hang out in what I like to call "chill pits". These are covered platforms, lined with carpets and cushions. You can just hang out, read a book, write you journal, have a tea or beer, and as the title says, master the fine art of chilling.
The music matches the mood, and it is all very mellow and relaxing. You could say that we are doing nothing, but both Clarence and I are really enjoying it. It is also very easy on the budget.
The food is quite good, with a generous breakfast, and great dinner with lots of vegetarian options.
We also headed out ın the evenıng ınto the mountaıns above Olympos, to see the eternal flames. They have been burnıng for thousands of years, and supposıdly do not requıre reıgnıtıng to get them goıng after beıng snuffed out. Clarence tested thıs theory wıth a bottle of water on a tıny flame, and voıla - thousands of years of hıstory was changed - the not so eternal flames - oooppps!
As our batteries are well recharged, we are off to Kas tomorrow. Not much of a beach there, but also supposed to be a very mellow spot. We still have some highlights to see in Turkey, and are heading along the coast to get there.
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