This is the view outside my bedroom window in Nice. As I have said, I really like the EBAB service, where you live kind of like a local. Good thing too, as there are so many nice outdoor restaurants here to tempt me. You know how I love atmosphere, and say what you will about the French, they really know how to do it well. But they are expensive, about what ours charge only in Euros. So, I might treat myself once a day, but always eat my breakfast and lunch in the apartment.
Like the rest of Europe, I just wander around a lot. There are a couple of museums I should check out, including the Chagall and Matisse ones. The ruins of the chateau high above the city is beautiful, with spectacular views. The colour of the water is just like in the postcards, but unfortunately the beaches are all stones, no sand! Found a nice little nude beach close to Monaco which was a bit softer on the derrier.
Oh yes, and Monaco is about 1/2 an hour and a €1 busride away on local transit. People have also told me I should go to this little village just across the border in Italy on Friday for their market day. The border is also very close, and I can take the train there.
As you can see by the pictures, it has been sunny here. It did start raining late yesterday and is continuing today, but that means a good excuse to catch up my blog and journal.
My French is getting lots of practice, as my host is fairly chatty, and his English is worse than my French, so we try to converse in French. Amazing how much I have forgotten, but also amazing how many words and phrases I remember. My accent is also good, so people start talking to me very fast as it sounds like I speak French well - not!
I have enjoyed Europe a lot, but have overspent my budget. Looking so forward to Africa and spending time with Dwayne. If I could do this all over again, I would drag someone around the world with me - any takers. Hey, if any of you do have a chance to join me somewhere, I would love the company.
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