It is wonderful to be back in an English speaking country (sort of, as my sister said). It is also very refreshing to be in cool 16 degree weather after months of sweltering in the tropics (you don't hear that from a Vancouverite often!). But here I am in the wonderful city of Melbourne, feeling recharged, and ready for further adventures.
There is a nagging problem, however. It is the same one that confounded me in Europe. It is great to be a budget traveller packing a light carry on sized bag, but when one gets to a sophisticated city with cool weather, one feels like a shlepp! I mean, come on, the other day I was standing in Melbourne's most famous leather bar, wearing travel slacks, sandals with socks, and a jacket that looked like it could keep me warm on the Bolivian Altiplano, yet totally devoid of style.
I had anticipated the problem in Phuket, and tried shopping for some appropriate clothes, but did not have any luck. When I arrived in Melbourne I just knew I had to somehow solve the problem, but as you all know, I am a terrible shopper, especially by myself.
So, I am wandering down Bourke St in central Melbourne, when what do I discover but a Target store. Hmmm, lets give that a try.
Well, I lucked out, and found a nice new wardrobe, and suddenly feel like a million bucks. The rules were that it must be clothes that I would wear at home, so spending the money would not be crazy. I got a great fitting pair of grey jeans with a new belt. A great pair of casual shoes and some new socks. I also splurged on a quite stylish new jacket, all for AUD $132 including GST.
You all know I am not into clothes, but the boost to my confidence was very tangible. Luckily, I have plenty of room for my new clothes as I sent my sleeping bag home from Thailand.
Fresh from my Target makeover, I am off to explore more of Melbourne.
You look absolutely FABULOUS darling!! Just please reassure me you won't be shopping at Walmart ... or I may have to disown you! Have fun and remember to kiss a kangeroo for me (a live one)!
Wow, I just did this blog, and you have already commented! Hmm, now let me see if I have this right, I can kiss a kangaroo, but I cannot eat it......
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