Monday, May 4, 2009

Well, it finally happened

After 9 months of travel it was overdue, I finally got sick the other day. I am proud to say it is not stomach related, I keep eating all this weird and wonderful food. I think I got quite dehydrated, feeling very weak, with achey muscles (swine flu???). It is so hot here this time of year, you sit inside open to the outside with a fan on you, doing nothing, and you are still sweating constantly. Add walking to the equation, and your shirt is dripping with sweat. Then you go to the beach and get even hotter, and finally, I have this bad habit of dropping by the sauna where I am staying.

Normally, I don't drink enough fluids, so this is just asking for it. Luckily I am at a nice guesthouse, close to things, with great staff who would lend a hand if I needed it.

I felt sick on Sunday, and have slept for two days and nights continuously. I am probably going back to bed now, but am starting to feel better. I will wait until I have been well a few days before attempting to do anything.

Next Sunday, May 10, I fly Air Asia to Singapore, then have a 7 hour connection for my flight to Melbourne. Still not sure what to do about the money situation, I may cut Australia and New Zealand short, as I am definitely getting homesick.


catmom said...

Water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water and more water ... what is so difficult about water consumption!!! Just be like me - Glenn calls me "the sponge". And I'm sorry, but as you recognized - the SAUNA!!! Good grief, you are already living in a sauna daily without actually visiting one. What a silly boy!

I hope you are feeling better - please let me know and I don't mean a week from now.

Love from your seester

Neil said...

Already feeling better today, but going to continue to take it easy. I always think about you when I say to myself... drink more water.
On the positive front, this may have helped finally get rid of that fat layer I put on in India - yes I know it is a terrible way to lose weight!