Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Otavalo Saturday Market

Awoke to the sounds of the hustle and bustle of Otavalo's Saturday Market. Not only was the central square filled to the brim with vendors, but every street for blocks around it were jammed with stalls. They ran right down the center of the road and on to the sidewalks; no cars here today!

Click for a brief video of the Otavalo Saturday Market.

We all picked up a few last minute things, and were starting to get ready to leave, just as the hoards of tourist buses from Quito were starting to arrive.

We had seen the famous Saturday Market, but managed to avoid being exhausted by it. Score some more points for GAP Adventures.

It is now Sunday, my last day in Ecuador. If you had not noticed, I have had a fabulous time - this had been an excellent vacation, and a wonderful "Encore" to my Around the World trip.

Hummmmm, where to next????

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