Was up very early in Quito, and off to the airport to head home. Taxi was a few minutes late, but we zipped to the Quito Airport in about 10 minutes, no traffic at 5 in the morning.
First Class check in and security was a breeze, and was soon sipping a latte and eating pastries in the VIP Lounge.
Got a window seat up front, and was treated to some great views of Central America on the way north. I spotted what I am pretty sure was San Jose, Costa Rica from the air, and was also treated to dazzling views of the coral reefs off Belize.
Bob picked me up at IAH (George Bush Intercontinental Airport... ya, I cringe too everytime I see it). We drove into Houston, and he insisted on treating me to Chicken Fried Steak. I ordered the small portion... yup, this is definitely America!
Spent a few hours in the huge and very nice United Club Lounge in Houston. Our flight to Vancouver had a slight delay, but were soon on our way home.
I am now home safe and sound in beautiful, but wet Vancouver.
By the way, my new blankets are the perfect colour!
1 comment:
Welcome home to the very Wet & Windy Coast! We are still going to have words about the guinea pig ... !!
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