Saturday, September 29, 2012

And then there was One

On Friday, we arrived in the beautiful town of Ubud in Bali.  I have been here before, but had almost forgotten the absolute beauty of this place.  In spite of all the tourist and travelers, this place still retains the magic and spiritualism that is Bali.

Our last night was spent at Artini 2 Cottages in Ubud, another nice place.  Some people were extending their stay here, some were heading for the beaches and nightlife, some were going to other islands and others were joining the next tour of Bali.  This always happens on the last day of these types of tours… we were scattering like dandelion seeds.

Swimming Pool - Artini 2 Cottages

We had a wonderful farewell dinner together, thanking our guide Nova for all his help.  The next morning, it was sad goodbyes, with promises to keep in touch by Facebook or email.

Marit and Sylvia at the farewell dinner

I found myself a wonderful little guesthouse just down the road for a very reasonable $38 per night.  I have three more days in Ubud to just take it easy.

My new guesthouse in Ubud

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