Thursday, September 11, 2008


Woke up in the hostel, bodies and clothes everywhere. The English girls were dead to the world. I got into the shower quickly, this does not seem to be a problem. The hostel includes breakfast, so grabbed some toast, orange juice and coffee.

Headed out exploring the city on foot. More canals than I had imagined, Amsterdam is truly wonderful. Blundered onto the Homomonument which also was the site of the gay tourist centre, how fortunate. Got the scoop on gay Amsterdam, and headed out on walking more.

You don't really need to take a city tour when you get to a new city. If you walk enough (which I do), you really do see everything.

Grabbed a herring sandwich, with lots of onions and pickles, for lunch. I really love to do the "when in Rome" thing.

Hit a cafe, and bought some pot (hey, it's Amsterdam). Really weird discussing the various types with the shop owner. Grabbed a pipe and lighter, and I was in business.

I just walked and walked and walked. That evening I had a huge blister on the side of my left foot. Hey I should have known, new sandals. I had the correct size of bandaid, so covered up. The next day a better solution proved to be wearing my shower sandals, which I bought in Pennsylvania. They are just basic flip-flops, and as Amsterdam is so casual, no problem fitting in.

Hit the Van Gogh museum in the afternoon, and really enjoyed it. Of course they have some of his best paintings. A nice surprise was the collection of paintings by Impressionist painters, which I love. Really liked the Monets and Gaugins.

Easily found the gay area, and discovered happy hour where 2 Heineken beer were only 2.30 Euros. Talked to a few guys, then grabbed a light dinner. Decided to be brave, and hit a naked night at Church, a special club with theme nights. The guy at the gay info centre had given me a brochure, and it just happened to be naked night the day I was there. Very familiar, much like home, except the guys were much younger and cuter.

Back to the hostel, and actually slept fairly well. It's amazing the difference earplugs, beer and pot make.

Up the next day, and limped around Amsterdam slowly because of my blisters. Found a print shop where I could upload photos, so that is why you are all now up to date. got caught in a rainstorm without my umbrella. Back to the hostel to dry out. Checked with the front desk, and there is no availablility on Friday night. I cancelled as I thought it was rediculous to pay 57 euros for a dorm bed in a dump. Well, now I have no place to stay on Friday. Have just checked a few things on the web, and have the emergency override protocol ready again, although it won't work as well in Amsterdam - no private rooms.

Stay tuned....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neil, I am loving the blog so your efforts are definitely appreciated. I'm not sure why I'm the only one commenting though - I guess your other friends are emailing you directly. So glad my water bottle gift is useful.

Can't wait till you get to Africa - I think I'll wet myself! BTW, you haven't experienced frustration until you try a spanish keyboard...