Monday, September 15, 2008

A Canadian in Paris

Figured out the metro pretty fast, and with a few transfers, was off to an area called Cite de Sciences, where my hostel was supposed to be. Got off the metro, and got my bearings pretty fast, and voila, there was the hostel, right where I thought it would be. It was a member of Hostelling International, so was of a much better standard - the clientelle was improved as well. All this for only €19 per day, including breakfast.

Got a carte d orange for the Paris metro, unlimited travel for 5 days - money well spent. Zipped into the centre of the city - line 5 to line 11.

Unfortunately, it was kind of cool and cloudy, but that was not about to stop me. Got off at the Hotel de Ville (City Hall), and started taking in the sites. It' funny, but it reminded me of Buenos Aires, but that was really backwards. BA is sometimes called the Paris of South America.

By the way, typos are now because I am using a French keyboard - merde.

Unlimited metro meant I could get to the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triumph, the Musee d' Orsay and a bunch of other sites in one day.

Fell into the non-budget trap of wanting to eat on a sidewalk cafe - this is Paris after all. Found one that was no too outrageous, and enjoyed some good food and wine.

Found the gay area, and wandered around a bit for the evening. Had a couple of drinks, but home relatively early for another good sleep.

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