Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shall I do Buda, or Pest..... hmmm, maybe both

I have now spent a few days in Budapest. And in spite of my introduction, I really like it, and would really recommend it to other travellers. It does not get as much press as the other big European capitals, but the centre of the city is very impressive and beautiful.

My first day was similar to my other first days in European cities - walk, walk, and walk more. The bandaids are doing a good job protecting my healing blisters, so who needs a transit pass. When you have no particular destination, you really can't get lost - sort of.

I find that a city's main attractions are usually obvious and very visible. I walked from my slightly scary neighbourhood toward the centre of the city, and the buildings become noticably more beautiful. This is the Paris of the East, after all. It is when I get to the Danube River that the site really takes my breath away. Both side are lined with building just like Paris, but across the river on the Buda side, is stunning Castle Hill, with what else, a beautiful castle set high on a green hill. You can just sense the history of the place.

Across one of the many bridges I go, then climb the hill to see the castle in person. There is a funicular, but I just take a picture of it, and use my legs. The view from the top is amazing, especially looking up the river towards the Pest side. I will include my pictures when I am able to download them.

The rest of the day was spent walking and exploring, seeing many of the amazing attractions of this city. Back and forth across the bridges, also checking out Margit Island in the middle.

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